Saturday, 21 April 2012

Remembering yourself

Sorry its been so long since my last post - life has been manic but I promise they will be more regular from now on!
During Easter I went for a catch up session with my therapist and to discuss a few things. I ended up seeing her a few times, and it had transpired that I had lost quite a bit of weight; I was anxious and 'wobbly'. Now, I had had absolutely no intentions of losing that weight, no had I even realised I was anxious. But after one session I realised how out of tune I was with myself and my body. I was so anxious that the weight was dropping off, and what I thought were just 'niggles' in the back of my mind were actually causing my body severe stress.

I needed a good cry.

Its been a couple of weeks now and I am slowly getting myself back on track. It was a shock to me to realise how much I had lost touch from myself, and that was having major implications on my day to day living.

When we forget ourselves, forget to look after ourselves and to really care for ourselves, we will get lost. The world will become a frightening and threatening place, and we will feel terrified, confused and concerned. But if we look after ourselves, really stay in tune with how we're feeling, thinking and being, ensuring we are constantly grounded and firm in what we believe in and who we are, then the world becomes a clearer and friendlier place.

If you were looking after a small child in a big city, you wouldn't let go of their hand - you wouldn't let them get lost. So don't let go of the hand of the little girl or boy inside of you. They will always be a child, and it is your job to nurture and protect them.

Each one of you is perfect, each one of you has unique beliefs and ways of thinking and feeling that are right for you. Stay true to them, and you will never let yourself down.

love and warmth,


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