Tuesday, 6 December 2011

That wonderful moment when...

I had a wonderful moment today when a realisation formed itself into words...

the realisation that your life is your own.

Now this may sound like I'm being ridiculous, that I am stating the obvious, but think about it. How often each day do you think 'I should be doing this' / 'I can't do that because...' / 'I wish that...'
We think these things because we all have the tendency to model our lives on other people, and the wants of other people, and the dreams other people (family for example) have for us.

But instead of thinking, ''what do they want...'' , think, ''what do I want?'' In your heart of hearts how do you want your life to be? Its yours,no-one elses. You can do with it EXACTLY what YOU choose. Don't waste time copying someone else or trying to design your hair / looks / lifestyle on someone else. Your life is yours.

Feel the freedom, release, and go.

Love and warmth,

Anna-Katharina xxxxx

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