Sunday, 31 July 2011

A little Lady Gaga

A little Lady Gaga…

I probably like most other people, thought for a long time that Lady Gaga was simply a moderately insane artist, gifted at music but lacking in worldy earthliness. However, whilst reading my precious monthly edition of Glamour, I came across a quote from her. It read:

‘Don’t let anyone dim your light because it is too bright. Tell them to get sunglasses’.

                In that one moment my estimation of the woman rocketed, she really knows what she is talking about.

Don’t be afraid of being who you are because you are afraid of being too different, too loud, too weird, too confident. You cannot be. If you spend your entire life trying to be like the people around you you’ll never ever be satisfied. In order to be like everyone else you will have to change yourself because you are not everyone else. As a result, you wont be who you really are and so your friends might not be the people the relationships with whom will be the most fulfilling for you, the clothes you wear may not be the ones which are specifically suited to you, you as a unique individual will not be seen.

I don’t mean dance up the high street in a meat dress, unless you have run out of cotton or fancy a snack. I mean be you. If you don’t like the hoody everyone else is wearing don’t wear it. If you are can’t stand the popular milk chocolate but would rather a bar of the 90% stuff, you eat the 90% stuff. Do you want people to know you as you or one of many?

You were born an original, don’t die a copy. Don’t be afraid to be who you are, because that is the person everyone else wants to know. After all, ‘they’ are ‘everyone else’, so that position is already been taken. The position as you, however, is still available, and only you can fill it.

 with love and warmth, Anna Katharina

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